Sunday, August 12, 2012

Another small happy- Love to some 5 toed footwear

I love wearing my Vibrams, they are the most comfortable things I have ever put on my feet.
Being able to run and walk for hours is worth the weird stares I get on the bus.
Even  though, they can get really really stinky after wearing them for a long time, I will pick them first over all my other shoes (All 3 of them).

The other day, I was out with my Dad running (in his case walking) on the conservation area trail near our house. When I looked down, I got a surprise.
That little lower caught between my toes just really lit up my day. Felt guilty for killing it though.

It's important to find joy in the small things and the mundane things. You can find art in house cleaning and walking down a road. Happiness can be found in so many little crevices. It's exciting to be slowly uncovering how to find them. Full steam ahead!
Joy is within grasp!

Was this post sappy? I think it was. Not sure where I was going with this one. It's hard not to jump in and want to inspire others when I read so many inspiring blogs by people who are changing lives and finding happiness.
I don't really have any wisdom of my own yet.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Little Happys

The title isn't grammatically correct.
I was thinking about all the small things that make me happy, that brighten moments despite their mundaneness.

Here's a list

1. Sitting with a good cup of tea.
2. Almond butter on a banana ( Seriously the most delicious thing ever)
3. Walking and reading at the same time
4. Opening an Avocado to find it is perfect inside
5. A postcard in the mail (Haven't experienced this one in a very long time)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

August Aspirations and Bat rescues

My aim for this month is to focus on Self care, and working through my troubles with stress.
Anyone who knows me at all will know that I stress pretty easily and can be incredibly hard on myself in terms of my intelligence and abilities. I set impossibly high standards for myself and then feel bummed when things don't turn out.

This month I will be focusing on
1. Walking and being active every day
2. Limiting my internet usage to 2 hrs a day (yeah right)
3. Get into a semi-regular yoga practice at home with a great book
4. Journal every day even if it is only a sentence or in point form.
5. Work harder to keep in touch with friends through letter writing and postcards
6. Curb my spending to only essential needs and be more frugal
7. Practice mindfulness in daily life and eating
8. Put time towards being creative (This I fell bad about not doing enough)
9. Get better quality sleep

So lots of things to keep me occupied. If I don't manage to live up to all these goals, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'm human, as long as I know I made my best effort that's all I can do.

At the Visitor's Centre at work today, I found myself being the only one working from 10-12. It was a rainy day and therefore sure to be hella busy in the VC. Everything was going fairly smoothly and as it usually does, with people asking if they could register for camping (not here) and a lady looking for the London Science Centre she'd seen on the internet (the print out was for a museum in England *facepalm*).
But then a lady approached me and asked if we kept bats in the gated area in front of the windows where we hope to keep our Painted Turtle. No...?
I went over and stepped into the enclosure and sure enough, splayed out on a rock and soaking wet, was what I had at first thought, was a fake bat. But then its head moved. Nope. It's an alive bat.
Frantically I called up my boss who I'm certain had been sleeping at the time.
On his instructions, I managed to get the bad into a butterfly net with a phonebook on top and placed the screeching little creature outside where my boss would latter stick him up into a bat box.
So it's now Kailey Trevithick,
Soggy bat rescuer Extraordinaire!
And then the day progressed as usual with conversation fodder for the next little while haHA!

One more day till my 4 day weekend!
Hoping to have Shannon up to visit. Days filled with hiking and the Beach and canoeing.Can't wait!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Changes and working through a rut

It's been a couple months since I've touched this thing. I had started this with a lot of enthusiasm, with many plans and notes made on what I would write about. I had planned to maybe do a tutorial on how to do something, or have some sort of running theme.

Somewhere, in between fear of failure and a lack of motivation, I never got around to any of it.

Granted, there have been numerous changes in life since the leisurely days in Winnipeg which I naturally took for granted. The good part was that I finally obtained employment, the position I had wanted from the start. The bad this summer was, I lost a best friend, someone who I thought cared about me. I won't get into it, but the whole thing led to its own form of grief which startled me. I found myself thinking logically that I was fine and that I was over it, but emotionally I was a mess. Only I didn't realize it. I'm still not sure how much it's poisoning my psyche even now. More than one person has told me that it takes at least half as long to get over a break-up as the relationship was long.There are other factors to consider that would either shorten and lengthen that time of course.
But if all that has any smear of truth then I'm what...half way to half way?

Its taken a while, but I'm glad to be feeling like my old self again. The motivation is starting to return and I feel more happy. I've even begun looking and planning my potential future after college, something I couldn't bring myself to do for quite sometime. It's unbelievably scary, but exciting. I'm confidant that I'll be able to make a good go of things.

My summer job saw me working at a Provincial park as a Children's Programmer.Meaning, I get to read all day about topics that interest me and then I get to tell kids about it. What's awesome is the hoard if other nature nerds I get to hang out with.

Planning, and working on self-betterment are my two things of focus this month. I'm trying to stay as active as possible, take up a bit of yoga to keep my muscles from getting stiff ( sitting in an office all day is a bitch!), writing in my journal regularly and focusing on self care and well-being. It's way too easy to let the world and on its problems crush you with their weight. I hardly need the world, just dealing with my father's dysfunction and troubles is enough.

Finally bit it and purchased a cast-iron skillet. I've coveted one for ages and at the Home Harware they carried the line from Lodge and I thought, why not it's an investment. I realized after that it's the sort of item meant more for people who stay living in one place and don't shuffle across province for school and such. Will make it work

Sleepy time.